
Guy L'Hospital new French Juror

06/07/2023 - Car of The year

The Car of the Year is happy to announce that Guy L'Hospital is the new French member of the Jury. Guy who is deputy editor-in-chief of bi-weekly magazine L’Auto Journal is a real car guy as he has a rich experience in working on cars even before starting to write about them. For a short period in the eighties he worked for classic car restauration workshops in Boston and San Francisco. He then began writing for the Revue Technique Automobile as an editor specialized in popularization of repair methods. In 1995 he was hired by L'Auto Journal and has never worked for another company since. From car tester, he became head of the test department and then deputy editor-in-chief. Today, he is in charge of the main sections of the magazine. He continues to do regular tests and reports for L'Auto-Journal but also for Auto-Plus. „It is a great honor to join the team of French members of the Car of the Year Jury“, says Guy. Welcome to the Jury! The Car of the Year Jury currently consists of 61 members from 23 countries.
